Eddie Marianukroh on Chained Echoes' vinyl release

Eddie Marianukroh on Chained Echoes' vinyl release

The highly anticipated vinyl release of the 90s JRPGs-inspired game, CHAINED ECHOES, developed by Matthias Linda (Umami Tiger), was finally announced last Friday, on February 7. Produced and released by Black Screen Records, this special vinyl is available in two stunning colorways (a BSR exclusive and a regular edition), making it not just a sonic journey but a visual one as well.

The soundtrack, composed by Eddie Marianukroh, perfectly captures the essence of the game—each track reflects the music, the story, and the characters in a way that brings the world of CHAINED ECHOES to life.

In an exclusive interview, Eddie Marianukroh gives us an extensive behind-the-scenes look at the creation of this unforgettable score.

What was your process of making the soundtrack? What were some of your influences?


Eddie: Well, one of the most important aspects of starting a new project is trying to learn as much as you can about the world that you’re writing for. This can range from knowing the lore of the story and key places/characters/themes, as well as any artwork or specific sounds that can help you build the identity of the soundtrack. So I would consult with Matthias and try to see what he was going for with the story and themes, and I would try to portray that in my own way. This was the main process for writing the soundtrack.

Influence-wise on the music, I tend to listen to progressive rock, jazz fusion, classical music from the romantic and impressionism periods, and, of course, video game music. So I imagine there are bits of influences from all that sprinkled in the soundtrack.


What was your take on the atmosphere of the game and how did you want to make the listeners feel through your music while playing it?


Eddie: I think the overall atmosphere for the game is very diverse, which is very much due to the fact that Matthias is an exceptional storyteller. There is so much going on in the story that it runs the gamut of the emotional spectrum. And ultimately this affects what needs to be portrayed in the music. So when it comes to the music written for the game and what I wanted the players to feel, well, I simply just wanted them to be immersed into the story and what was happening on screen. And, of course, hopefully they enjoyed the music.


Do you have a favorite track? If so, which one and why?


Eddie: Hah! This is a tough question… I am bound by marital obligation to say “Filthy Humans!” as my favorite track because both me and my wife are on the song making goblin and fairy sounds together (her the goblin, and myself as the fairy). But if I had to really pick, then perhaps “Crimson Wings Spreading Through the Blue Sky.” There are various reasons for this, like the ethereal vocals xMEIYIN sung on the track, the gorgeous performance by all the musicians who contributed, and the fact that this is the closing piece to a soundtrack that I very much view as a significant chapter in my life. But most importantly, this song is my goodbye to my grandmother, who I was unable to see in her final moments due to hospital restrictions during the Covid-19 pandemic. I hold this song quite dearly.

What were some of the challenges you faced during production which in hindsight had a big impact on the outcome?


Eddie: The only challenge I can really think of during the production of this soundtrack was trying to match the quality that Matthias presented with everything he did in the game. Even though it’s been years at this point that I’ve been working with Matthias, he still somehow manages to surprise me. So the quality of the music was intrinsically tied to me trying my best to accompany everything else in the game.


How did you involve the characters and their stories into the soundtrack? Were their relationships to each other important to you?


Eddie: My answer may involve some slightly vague spoilers, so if you (the reader) haven’t played the game, perhaps you should skip to the next question. Certain instruments and sounds were loosely assigned to some of the characters. For example, Glenn is portrayed with the solo cello and the sound of birds. Lenne is represented by the alto flute and solo vocals, and Kylian’s sound is the piano. And the concept of the Echo is tied to the tingsha bells, which relates to both Glenn and Lenne.

The latter two characters are portrayed with multiple instruments because of how their characters evolve throughout the story. You can actually hear this in the main theme; the track starts off with the tingsha bell and alto flute, eventually moving to the piano, solo cello, and vocals interweaving together, and then concluding with vocals, birds and the sound of the piano ascending into something seemingly divine. In my mind, it’s like a musical summary of the story. 



How was working together with Josh Corpuz on the vinyl artwork? Tell us a little bit about your ideas and inspirations.


Eddie: I’ve learned that my strongest skill set is music. And why do I say this? Because when it comes to art, I’m clueless. So it was a real joy to see Josh bring the characters of Chained Echoes to life. He has actually played the game, so he knows who the characters are and how they should be depicted. I honestly did not have too much input in the process for the artwork, and quite frankly, I wouldn’t have it any other way. This artwork was his vision and I am very thankful that it adorns this record. Josh is a wonderful artist and I hope to one day reach his level of artistry with my own music.


What do you wish people would take away from this vinyl release?


Eddie: There were a lot of people involved in this vinyl release. Black Screen Records were very kind to always be supportive of my music and help facilitate the entire process for the vinyl’s creation. Josh worked very diligently on the artwork to make sure it was the best it could be. Matthias was very helpful with his input on the art direction and just being a good friend throughout it all. And of course, this vinyl release holds music that I dedicated myself to for four years. So when people hold this vinyl in their hands, admire the artwork, and listen to it on their record player, I hope they know that this was a sincere endeavor and that all this wouldn’t have been possible without everyone who graciously put their time and effort into making this record a reality. Thank you everyone for everything. 


Check out the vinyl in store:

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